Building happy healthy & clever little minds
Our programs have been built on evidence based research using the latest findings from the educational neuroscience area. A profound amount of information has been used from Central Queensland University. Professor Angela Duckworth’s research in Grit has influenced a significant amount of how we inspire and support children to be more ‘emotionally buoyant’.
Professor Carol Dweck’s Growth Mindset has also motivated a significant amount of our programs and is referred to consistently throughout the programs. Simon Sinek has also inspired a significant amount of the program, whilst his work is primarily in leadership and executive management, his central ideas are immensely beneficial to teachers as leaders of their classrooms.
Central to our philosophy, our brain based approach to learning and social and emotional health is fundamentally NOT focused on aptitude tests, intelligence testings or standardised measures of learning and achievement. Instead, we help parents and teachers focus on the child, how they behaviour with peers, in the classroom, their relationship with their teacher, and their self efficacy as a measure for how they will perform academically. Once we get this right, the child will flourish on all levels, including academically.